December 17, 2010

Star Of India (Ghost Ship)

Star of India was built in 1863 as Euterpe, a full-rigged iron windjammer ship in Ramsey, Isle of Man. After a full career sailing from Great Britain to India then to New Zealand, she became a salmon hauler on the Alaska then to California route. After retirement in 1926, she was restored between 1962 and 1963 and is now a seaworthy museum ship ported at the San Diego Maritime Museum in San Diego, United States. She is the 2nd oldest ship that still sails regularly and the oldest iron hulled merchant ship still floating. The ship is both a California and United States National Historic Landmark.

In 1884 a young stowaway by the name of John Campbell was discovered on the Star of India. Instead of throwing him overboard, they put him to work on the ship. One day, Campbell lost his footing high in the rigging and fell 100 feet to the deck, crushing both of his legs. Three days later, he died in agony and was buried at sea.
His ghost is said to haunt the ship and visitors sometimes report feeling a cold hand touching them whenever they are near the mast where Campbell fell. Sometimes the smell of fresh-baked bread seems to come from the ship’s galley, though the stove has been cold for many years. Even when the ship sits still in the water, pots and pans above the stove have been seen to move.


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